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Baby mirror fun

2 months

Babies of all ages love to look at themselves in the mirror. There is no faster way to get them smiling and giggling! Whether the mirror is hanging in the crib, is part of a baby gym or is a hand-held mirror, there are plenty of ways to entertain your baby by showing them themselves.

Once your baby is ready for tummy time, you can prop the mirror up in front of them and this will motivate them to raise their head to look at themselves in the mirror.


  • shatter-proof mirror

Place your baby in their crib and hang a shatter-proof mirror on the side of the crib where your baby can see it.

Start talking to your baby and then tap on the mirror to get them to look over.

The mirror will provide your baby with visual stimulation while they are lying in the crib.

Eventually, your baby will begin to understand that the cute baby staring back is them!

Make photos of your baby playing with a mirror, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked the funny activity.

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