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How to help your babies learn numbers

from 1 year 6 months to 3 years

Each parent worries over this question - How do I not discourage my child's desire to learn? Or, how to correctly approach teaching my child and what methods work for them?

Now the special feature of a child's memory is the memorization of information - this factor has a strong influence on learning. Accordingly, it causes certain emotions: fright, surprise, interest, joy, etc. In the life of a child, at this times, they play a greater role than common sense and logical actions. Therefore, the parent is faced with a difficult task - to make the child like to study mathematics. Before you know it, time flies quickly and your child themselves does not even notice or recollect learning numbers.

But when you put aside time for a lesson, how do you approach it for your kid's current learning level? Very simply - the lesson should be playful, since the child now only knows how to play.

Remember the basic rules:

  • Any game that's helping your child learn should not last longer than 3 minutes, at least the first time you try it;
  • If your kid seems disinterested or distracted, don't force them! Take a break and try again;
  • Encourage their success and don't scold failures;
  • Do not swear and do not get angry. Do not raise your voice if the child does not succeed. Be patient!
  • Prolong your time gradually. The maximum time should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

The great thing is, you can practice anywhere, on the street, at a party, at home, during transportation: count the plates in the kitchen, count the wheels of the car, count the buttons on the jacket, etc.

Your kid does not immediately understand why after ten comes eleven, and after twenty - twenty-one. This is normal - children tend to be confused now and change the placement of numbers or even skip them.

"Disconnect" from the typical training methods, use your imagination and ingenuity: learn poetry-counting, at home play in the store - children like the process of paying for goods, ask about the numbers on the signs on the street, in the store, show on the price tag, etc. Do not "memorize" numbers, you need to ensure that the baby has learned by themselves.

Tell us what methods of studying mathematics you're using to practice, and what successes your little one has achieved.

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