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Topical album "The Plants"

Topical album "The Plants"

6 months

Your baby is growing quickly and likes to explore new things. Make him/her a topical album to look at and learn various plants and their parts, all while listening to your descriptions.

You'll need:

  • photo album with pockets;
  • old glossy magazines;
  • old kids' magazines;
  • old books;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • felt pens.

Cut out from the magazines and books images of plants, glue them to the paper, making topical cards.

If you are planning to teach your baby reading, write the plant's name on the card.

Insert the cards into the album pockets - then, you'll easily manage to change or add pictures in your album.

The album is ready!

Make photos of your baby viewing the pictures, upload to the App. Write how you teach your baby various plants using the album, add some words about his/her reactions.

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