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Baby sunbathing tips

under 9 months

Infants under 6 months of age should be kept out of the sun. Their skin is too sensitive for sunscreen. 

An infant's skin possesses little melanin, the pigment that gives color to skin, hair and eyes and provides some sun protection. Therefore, babies are especially susceptible to the sun's damaging effects.

  • Use removable mesh window shields to keep direct sunlight from coming in through the windows of your car or invest in UV window film, which can screen almost 100 percent of ultraviolet radiation without reducing visibility.
  • Take walks early in the morning before 10 AM or after 4 PM and use a stroller with a sun-protective cover.
  • Dress baby in lightweight clothing that covers the arms and legs.
  • Choose a wide-brimmed hat or bonnet that protects the baby's face, neck, and ears. A baby who wears a hat during the first few months will get used to having it on.

Make photos with your baby, upload to the App. Write how you protect your little one from direct sun rays.

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