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Babbling on

9 months

You might think your baby’s babble is meaningless, but psychologists think they are actually talking to us – it’s just that we can’t understand them yet. 

The babble follows the same rhythms and cadences of real speech – they’re basically doing a few training laps. It’s important to keep talking to them, pointing out trees and birds when you’re out together to help their speech along.

Singing is good too: there’s research showing babies who are sung to a lot tend to speak earlier. Don’t worry – they don’t really care if you’re tone deaf, they love your voice even if no one else does.

Your baby has learned so much during the past eight months. Here are some simple ways to continue his brain development: 

  • Read him books while naming and pointing to objects and people.
  • Teach him hand-eye coordination games such as “patty-cake” and “peekaboo.”

Make photos of your communication with the baby, upload to the App. Write briefly about his/her babbling.

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