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Chew on this!

under 9 months

Don’t be surprised if your baby explores every new object by putting it in their mouth – this will last until they’re two years old or even longer. 

From their perspective, it’s a great way to investigate the feel and texture of something, as well as its possible taste. 

The movements they’re making with their mouth, lips and jaw are also good practice for speaking and chewing later on. 

Just make sure there’s nothing small enough to choke on within their grasp.

Your baby has probably been batting the dangling toys on their baby gym for a while now but now their movements are becoming smoother and more coordinated they will manage a bit more accuracy. They are also beginning to work out the basics of cause and effect: if they hit the hanging toy, it moves.

If your baby is managing this new skill now, perhaps progress to putting a toy just within their reach during daily tummy time. See if they can reach out and grab it (don’t make it too difficult as they’ll lose interest). You may have to help them close their fist around the toy to activate the grab reflex.

Make cute photos with your baby, upload to the App. Write about his/her current development.

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