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Appropriate toys for your baby

3 months

Your baby is growing up quickly and is discovering how much fun their own hands can be now that they're no longer clenched in a fist. 

He/she can grasp a toy placed in their hands or reach for one that interests them.

Soon they'll be able to pass a toy back and forth between their hands and rotate their wrist to inspect it from all sides, usually before popping it into their mouth. 

At this stage the best toys for your little one are:

  • Crib mobiles: babies enjoy brightly colored objects – especially if they also move or make music. A crib mobile can make life more interesting for your baby, but use one only if your baby is still not able to sit up on his own.
  • Lightweight rattles: Babies love making noise. Give your baby a rattle and watch her shake it up.
  • Activity bars: These are bars fitted with plush or plastic toys that fit across an infant seat, car seat, or stroller. This means that on long car trips or stroller rides, your baby can occupy himself by exploring all the interesting, noisy objects in front of him.
  • Squeaky rubber toys: Anything a baby can grip and squeak is usually popular with this age group. These toys are perfect for the tub. Expect to hear these squeaks – and your baby's happy squeals – often.

Make photos of your baby playing with toys, upload to the App. Write what toys he/she likes most at all.

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