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Playing with 9 month olds

9 months

Your baby’s first year is a crucial time for brain development. Trillions of tiny connections are forming that will create the foundation for a lifetime of learning. You can accelerate baby’s brain growth by providing a stimulating environment.

But you don’t need to invest in a series of expensive videos or teaching tools to nurture a smart baby. No DVD can ever replace the value of human interaction. Reading, singing, and talking to your baby every day are the best ways to bolster brain development. And remember, your child doesn’t need to start reading at nine months to be a smart baby - they just need to learn and explore new things every day.

If your 9-month-old is like many babies at this age, they may be babbling away nonstop. Those babbles might sound almost like real sentences, although no one will understand them except your baby. However, you may start to recognize a couple of real words, such as “Mama,” “Dada,” or “hi.”

Your baby’s understanding of language is improving, too. If you ask, “Where’s the ball?” your baby may go pick up a ball. Or you might ask, “Where's the cow?" and they may point to a picture of a cow.

Make cute photos with your baby, upload to the App. Write how you play and communicate with the little one.

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