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Play the game "Overcoming Obstacles"

6 months

At the age of 6-7 months, babies are learning how to crawl.
Shuffling around on their tummy or crawling on hands and knees, the baby will surely like to overcome interesting obstacles.
Just put soft carpets or covers with bright pictures on the floor, sit next to your baby and call him/her. You can stimulate the baby's interest with a toy, showing it to the little one.
Encourage your baby trying to come to you!
If the baby can crawl, make the task more difficult - place pillows, rolled towels and other obstacles between you and your little one.
This beneficial task is perfect for strengthening your baby's muscles. Besides, overcoming obstacles, the little one learns to navigate in space.
Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Write about your baby's new skills.

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