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Baby’s emotions in their first year

How should you respond to a crying newborn? How do you calm a crying baby? Here’s a psychologist's advice to parents.

under 1 year

Wachanga psychologist Maria Miller has a few recommendations for parents - how to act in difficult situations and maintain a good relationship with your baby.

The emotional development of a child begins from birth, though a baby, in the first year of life, cannot express a full range of emotions. The first manifestations are crying and laughter. When they are in pain, uncomfortable, wet, scared - babies cry. When they like something or are amused, or feeling content - they laugh.

Children need these primary emotions, firstly, so that adults, parents, understand their child from the first days of their life. It is interesting that with the expression of these emotions, children learn to get what they want: first, they show animation, joy, smiles, they reach for something, and then begin to cry if they don’t get what they want.

It’s believed that children cannot emote up until they are six months, and if they cry, something is clearly upsetting the baby. Moreover, the child may cry, even if they are full, dry and warm, but the reason may be that they are emotionally uncomfortable; in this case, don’t rush to pick your baby up and hold them - just stay nearby, try to talk warmly and calmly with them first, and gently touch them.

It’s in these moments that your baby’s personality truly forms, and you play a crucial role in this. Therefore, your reactions, and positive or negative emotions are important. It is important to let your child know that any emotions deserve attention, and they’re allowed to show it. This will teach a child as they get older not to hide negative feelings from their parents and other people around them, and to not be afraid of being uncomfortable, just be as they are.

If your baby is upset, pay attention to your emotional state, because often it is the parental emotions that affect the baby, and they reflect them to some extent.

Crying is not an alarming siren, but a signal that the baby needs something - food, warmth or fresh air, help or the presence of their mother. The child reports their discomfort, and experienced parents can decode these messages even before their baby starts to cry.

Be attentive to your baby!

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