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Your 7-month-old baby

7 months

Your little one is already 7 months old!

At seven months, your baby is becoming independent and developing their own unique personality. From picking up a favorite toy to scooting or crawling from place to place, your 7-month-old is learning how to control his environment and finding out that being in control can be fun. During this next month, you should find plenty of opportunities to continue encouraging your baby’s mobility, creativity, and curiosity - in safe ways, of course.

As the baby can now sit unassisted and reach for and pick up toys, playtime involves a lot more independence than in months past. The ability to hold and drink from a cup, and possibly eat from a spoon, means that he is also more independent at mealtimes.

Your 7-month-old should be strong enough now to hold themselves up on his legs while supported. Practicing this skill will strengthen leg muscles and help him get ready for walking.

Every baby grows and learns at a different pace, but by the end of your baby's 7th month, he will likely be able to do the following: 

  • Get up on all fours and rock back and forth
  • Eat finger foods that are soft on their own
  • "Creep" or scoot around on his belly
  • Look for something that has dropped

In addition, your baby's language, recognition, and social skills are at an important stage of development. Here are some easy activities you and your baby can do together:

  • Chat with your baby every time you are together.
  • Expose them to a variety of sounds, and help him locate the sources.
  • Imitate the sounds your baby makes, and try to get him to make those sounds back to you.
  • Provide quiet time when the radio and TV are not on.
  • Make a photo album of familiar family members, and point to and name objects and people to help your baby absorb new words.

Make cute photos with the little one, upload to the App. Write briefly about his/her current development and favorite games.

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