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Pumpkin Puree

6 months

Babies may begin to eat Pumpkins from 6 months old. You may feed your baby plain pumpkin in pureed form or mixed into homemade cereals, yogurts, and even in meats such as chicken. Adding a dash of cinnamon to pumpkin gives the baby a first exposure to the wonder of spices.

Once cooked, Pumpkin should be used and/or chilled immediately. If you will not be using the cooked pumpkin immediately, store it either pureed or in the cooked chunks, in the freezer. it does freeze well. The cooked pumpkin will turn a brownish orange so don’t be alarmed when you peak into the bowl and find that color.

Baking pumpkins, like many other fruits/squashes, may be the best choice of cooking for optimal flavor and nutrient retention.


  • 1 sugar pumpkin
  • water
  • cinnamon, nutmeg (optional – sprinkle into the cooking water or when you puree/mash)


  1. Halve the pumpkin, de-seed
  2. Place halves face down in a baking pan with approx 1-2 inches of water
  3. Bake between 375-425 F for approximately 40 minutes to 1 hour
  4. Scrape out the pumpkin “meat” and then mash or puree as needed for your baby.

Make photos of the little one eating pumpkin, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked the healthy food.

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